Imagine being less bloated, less irritable, having fewer headaches, and being able to feel normal again.
I’ve been in this position before, and I can tell you from my own personal experience — I was miserable. I was eating healthy, exercising regularly, but something just felt off and I couldn’t put my finger on it. That’s when I started to research and learn about food and environmental sensitivities and intolerances. Testing for these factors hasn’t always been easy, because most require blood work of some kind. And your blood tests won’t always give you the answers.
It’s amazing what a simple strand of your hair can tell you...
What if you could pluck a few strands of your hair, send them off to a lab, and within a few business days get the answers to your sensitivities and intolerances for over 750 foods and environmental factors? It is literally THAT easy.
Hair testing was discovered over 25 years ago as scientific studies showed that hair was like a tape recording being both stable and permanently embedding the data in the hair. Hair testing is now used regularly in the fields of drug testing, forensic science, nutritional and mineral analysis as one of the most exciting areas for development due to the ease of providing samples… and the history in hair that lasts much longer than blood and urine. Along with simplicity, it’s non-evasive and accessible to everyone.
So What exactly is an intolerance?
An intolerance is the body’s inability to digest or be in contact with an item, whether this is an intolerance to food or a non-food item in the environment. Intolerances can occur due to several reasons. Most commonly, the body is lacking the necessary digestive enzyme(s) for certain food and cannot digest it properly or efficiently, and get the needed nutrients. Many symptoms are the result of a sensitivity to an item.
Is an intolerance different from sensitivities and allergies?
Absolutely! A sensitivity can occur from overconsumption of overexposure of an item. If, for example, you’re sensitive to a certain type of food, it just means that your body can process it but it just doesn’t feel or function at its best. The problem with sensitivity is that there is a delay in the symptoms which could be a few days, so you may never connect two and two together. An allergy is your body’s immediate immune response, and is usually life-threatening.
This test will identify over 750 food and environmental items — and come with a Heavy Metals and a Nutritional Deficiencies report.
It’s the test that I’ve used to make some drastic changes in my eating, and the only one that I’ll use when working with my clients. And even if you aren’t working with me 1:1, we’ll still go over your test results together.
So if you’ve been experiencing:
Constipation and Diarrhea
Bad Breath
Stomach Pain
Abdominal Cramping
Acid Reflux or Heartburn
Brain Fog
Itching and Rashes
and more…